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The Humanizer API is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance content creation and management with advanced paraphrasing, summarization, and text optimization capabilities. It empowers developers to seamlessly integrate diverse text-enhancement tools into their applications, catering to a variety of writing styles and requirements.

Key Features:

  • Plan Details: Retrieve information about the user's subscribed plan, including:
    1. Total and available API credits
    2. Renewal date & Amount
  • Usage Details: The Usage Detail API provides an overview of your credit usage and detailed logs of API requests. It helps track credit consumption, monitor API activities, and analyze usage patterns effectively. This API is ideal for maintaining transparency and optimizing your credit utilization.
  • Humanizer: Transform mechanical or overly complex text into relatable, easy-to-understand language.


All API's End Points

- GET - {base_url}/plan/details
- GET - {base_url}/usage/details
- POST -{base_url}/paraphrase
- POST -{base_url}/humanize
- POST -{base_url}/summarizer
- POST -{base_url}/plagiarism-remover
- POST -{base_url}/article-rewriter
- POST -{base_url}/grammar-checker
API Authentication

Every user is assigned a unique API key upon registration. This API key is required for authenticating requests to the Humanizer API. Requests that do not include a valid API key will return a 401 , 403 Forbidden error, preventing access to the API's features.

Your API Key


Header Parameter

['x-api-key: create_your_api_key']
API Error Code

The Humanizer API returns consistent responses to indicate the success or failure of each request. The response will include specific codes and messages to make it easy to understand the request’s status.

Possible Enum Values

Success : success, response, data, message, status=true
Error : error , api_error, exception, error_message, status=false

HTTP Status Code Summary



The request was successful.


Bad Request

The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.



No valid API key provided.



Doesn’t have permissions to perform the request.


Not Found

The requested resource doesn’t exist.


Too Many Requests

Too many requests hit the API too quickly.


Server Errors

Something went wrong on Humanizer end.

Plan Details

This endpoint returns details of the user's subscribed plan, including the total and available API credits, along with the renewal date and amount.


  • Headers: The request must include an API key in the header for authentication.
  • Headers
    • x-api-key: (Required) - The API key used for authentication.


The API responds with a JSON object containing the subscribed plan, credit & renew details.

Response Parameters:

  • status: (integer) - HTTP status code (200 indicates success).
  • message: (string) - A message confirming the success of the request.
  • plan_detail : (object) - Contains the details of the user's subscribed plan.
    • subscribed_plan_id (string): The unique ID of the subscribed plan.
    • plan_name (string): The name of the subscribed plan (e.g., "yearly").
    • total_api_credit (string): The total number of API credits allocated to the plan.
    • total_api_credit_in_k (string): The total number of API credits in a human-readable format (e.g., "500k").
    • available_api_credit (string): The available number of API credits remaining in the plan.
    • available_api_credit_in_k (string): The available number of API credits in a human-readable format.
    • renew_at (string): The date when the plan will be renewed (format: MM-DD-YYYY).
    • renew_amount (string): The amount to be charged on renewal (e.g., "$350").

Plan Detail URL

- GET - {base_url}/plan/details

HTTP Request Header

['x-api-key: create_your_api_key']


  "status": 200,
  "message": "Subscribed plan detail with usage",
  "plan_detail": {
    "subscribed_plan_id": "sub_1QHghE2KSqiTg9wqwanQX1gS",
    "plan_name": "yearly",
    "total_api_credit": "500000",
    "total_api_credit_in_k": "500k",
    "available_api_credit": "492194",
    "available_api_credit_in_k": "492k",
    "renew_at": "11-05-2025",
    "renew_amount": "$350"
Usage Details

The Usage Detail API provides detailed insights into the usage of credits, including overall credit consumption and individual API usage logs. This API is useful for monitoring credit consumption and analyzing usage patterns.


  • Headers: The request must include an API key in the header for authentication.
  • Headers
    • x-api-key: (Required) - The API key used for authentication.


The API responds with a JSON object containing the total credit details and a breakdown of usage activities.

Response Parameters:

  • status: (integer) - HTTP status code (200 indicates success).
  • message: (string) - A descriptive message indicating the response status.
  • total_credit: (string) - The total number of credits available, formatted with commas for readability.
  • total_used_credit: (string) - The total number of credits used, formatted with commas for readability.
  • usage_detail : (array) - A list of usage logs, where each log contains:
    • ip_address (string): The IP address of the user or source of the API request.
    • browser (string): Information about the browser or client making the request.
    • origin (string): The origin or referring service associated with the API usage.
    • api_mode (string): The specific API mode used (e.g. humanize, grammar_checker).
    • input_txt (string): The input text provided in the API request.
    • output_txt (string): The output text generated by the API.
    • api_credit (string): The number of credits consumed for this request.
    • created_at (string): The timestamp indicating when this API request was made.

Usage Detail URL

- GET - {base_url}/usage/details

HTTP Request Header

['x-api-key: create_your_api_key']


  "status": 200,
  "message": "Usage detail with api credits.",
  "total_credit": "500,000",
  "total_used_credit": "8,135",
  "usage_detail": [
      "ip_address": "",
      "browser": "null",
      "origin": "null",
      "api_mode": "humanize",
      "input_txt": "The Beginning of Ranjha's Journey\n\nRanjha, whose full name was Dheedo Ranjha, was the youngest of four brothers born into a well-to-do family in the village of Takht Hazara, on the banks of the Chenab River. Unlike his elder brothers, who were more inclin",
      "output_txt": "The Beginning of Ranjha's Journey.\n\n Dheedo Ranjha, the youngest of four brothers, was born into a wealthy family in the village of Takht Hazara by the Chenab River. Unlike his older siblings, who preferred agriculture and estate management, Ranjha was",
      "api_credit": "954"
      "created_at": "2024-11-08 06:12:03",
      "ip_address": "",
      "browser": "null",
      "origin": "null",
      "api_mode": "summarizer",
      "input_txt": "The Beginning of Ranjha's Journey\n\nRanjha, whose full name was Dheedo Ranjha, was the youngest of four brothers born into a well-to-do family in the village of Takht Hazara, on the banks of the Chenab River. Unlike his elder brothers, who were more inclin",
      "output_txt": "The Beginning of Ranjha's Journey.\n\n Dheedo Ranjha, the youngest of four brothers, was born into a wealthy family in the village of Takht Hazara by the Chenab River. Unlike his older siblings, who preferred agriculture and estate management, Ranjha was",
      "api_credit": "954"
      "created_at": "2024-11-08 06:12:03",

The Humanize API is designed to make text sound more natural and relatable by adjusting the tone and phrasing. This endpoint is especially useful for creating content that connects with audiences on a more personal level. It transforms overly formal or robotic text into language that feels conversational and human-friendly.


  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • Headers: The request must include an API key in the header for authentication.
  • Body Parameters
    • input_content: (string) - The text to be humanized.
    • lang: (string) - The language code of the input content (e.g., en for English, es for Spanish, fr for French).


The API responds with a JSON object containing the humanized version of the text, both with and without HTML <span></span> tags, as well as information about the transformation process.

Response Parameters:

  • status: (integer) - HTTP status code (200 indicates success).
  • message: (string) - A message confirming the success of the request.
  • humanized_text: (string) - The humanized text with <span></span> tags around specific words that were modified or emphasized.
  • humanized_plain_text: (string) - The humanized text without any HTML tags.
  • percentage: (float) - The percentage similarity between the input and humanized text, reflecting the degree of change.
  • input_word_count: (integer) - The word count of the original input text.
  • output_word_count: (integer) - The word count of the humanized output text.

Humanize URL

- POST - {base_url}/humanize

HTTP Request Header

['x-api-key: create_your_api_key']

HTTP Request Body

  "input_content" => "In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s crucial for businesses to stay connected with their customers in a personalized way. As technology evolves, so do the expectations of consumers who now seek not only convenience but also meaningful engagement.",
  "lang" => "en"


  "status": 200,
  "message": "Content humanized successfully",
  "blog_text": "<span>Today's</span> <span>swiftly</span> <span>evolving</span> <span>tech</span> <span>environment</span> <span>necessitates</span> <span>companies</span> to <span>maintain</span> <span>individualized</span> <span>connections</span> with their <span>clientele.</span> As <span>tech</span> <span>advances,</span> <span>consumer</span> <span>demands</span> <span>shift</span> <span>towards</span> not <span>just</span> <span>ease</span> but also <span>significant</span> <span>involvement.</span>",
  "blog_plain_text": " Today's swiftly evolving tech environment necessitates companies to maintain individualized connections with their clientele. As tech advances, consumer demands shift towards not just ease but also significant involvement.",
  "percentage": 87.9310,
  "input_word_count": 40,
  "output_word_count": 28